
Therapeutic Orientation:
As a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist & Licensed Substance Use Disorder Professional I am a qualified Co-occurring Therapist. I provide individual, couples, family and group therapies for patients regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, financial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural influence, or creed who are experiencing a variety of mental health issues including relationships, grief & loss, communication, trauma, mood, personality & anxiety disorders. My principal therapeutic orientation is client centered. I utilize many therapeutic modalities to include: Family Systems Theory, Behavioral Activation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Prolonged Exposure, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Solution & Problem Focused Therapy, Play & Art Therapy; as well as a strong influence of Internalized Oppression. I am also trained in other therapeutic interventions and use them regularly in my practice. I take a diverse approach therapy, drawing upon my own experience as well as a wide range of techniques. My aim is to adapt and utilize evidence based therapeutic interventions to best suit your individual needs and preferences.

Professional Qualifications and Experience:

  • Washington State Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #LF60864667
  • Washington State Licensed Substance Use Disorder Professional #CP60621678
  • Washington State Certified Mental Health Professional
  • Washington State Certified Child Mental Health Specialist
  • Certified Prolonged Exposure Therapist, Strong Star Training Initiative
  • M.A. Psychology, Antioch University
  • B.A. Social Justice Focus, The Evergreen State College